
Mighty Mexican Beans

 Time: 10 minutes                

Who's excited about Cinco de Mayo? It probably one of my all time favorite holidays.  Like Taco Tuesday, but on steroids.  What's not to love when you've got margaritas, sombreros, piñatas, and guacamole?  

When done right, Mexican food can be one of the most #FASTBEETSAPPROVED meals around. 

Whether you're going all out like I will or you just want a Mexican dish that is EASY, TASTY, & SUPER HEALTHY, make these Mighty Mexican Beans. 


I made this dish for friends last week and have since got a few phone calls asking for the recipe.  I'm laying it all out on here for you and your Cinco do Mayo festivities or just your next Tuesday night... 

If Mexican independence isn't your thing, just know that the United Nations made beans (pulses) the food of the year.  So drop your quinoa spoon and dig in. The fiber in beans supports your good gut bacteria, it's a great source of plant based protein, and has a plethora of antioxidants. Kinda like your own personal fountain of youth. 

Pair it with guac, sauteed peppers and lettuce leaf for an awesome wrap. Enjoy it with the rest of your taco festivities, or just eat it as is.  Its really that good. 


Since the beans are canned it takes literally no time to put this dish together.  When buying canned beans, always purchase ORGANIC & BPA-FREE, and make sure your beans have no additives in them.  You can find varieties that are just beans and maybe sea salt.  Stay away from the variety with any kind of added fat or oils.  You wont need that. 


  • 1 can of Organic and BPA-free can of refried black beans
  • 1 can of Organic and BPA-free can of refried pinto beans
  • 1 can of Organic and BPA-free can of pinto beans (do not drain)
  • 1 onion
  • 1 can of tomato paste
  • 2 tablespoons of coconut oil
  • 2 teaspoon of turmeric
  • 3 teaspoons of cumin powder
  • 3 teaspoons of paprika
  • 3 teaspoons chopped garlic
  • (optional) 1-2 teaspoons (or to taste) of chipotle chile powder 
  • 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar
  • 1 cup of filtered water
  • Himalayan salt to taste


  1. Add oil to a medium hot pot. 
  2. Add all seasoning to the oil. 
  3. Add onions to pot and saute until soft but not cooked all the way through. (FastTip: You retain more vitamins when the onions are not completely sautéed and will retain some crunch.)
  4.  All the rest of the ingredients to the pot and still until it reaches desired consistency. Add more water or seasoning if it needs it. 
  5. Eat!

Thanks for making this! I would love it see how it turns out. Snap a pic and tag me on Instagram @fastbeets so I can see your #fastbeetsapproved healthy creation! Any questions on it? Message me on Snapchat.  

Xx, SS

Mighty Mexican Beans

Chicks Please Sandwich

The Hubs was in the mood for a tuna sandwich for lunch.  I'm all about honoring your cravings so you won't feel deprived and believe in enjoying all things in life in moderation.  But tuna is not the healthiest choice as it comes with a hefty dose of mercury. We think he can do better on a weekend lunch.  

So I was on a mission to come up with something that was equally satisfying but had a higher nutritional value and no mercury....Enter in the Chicks Please Sandwich

if you can satisfy your craving with a healthier option, choose that option 100%
Chicks Please Sandwich

To test out if it would work in curbing his appetite, I made BOTH a tuna sandwich and the Chicks Please Sandwich. You know, to level the playing field.  He eats what he wants, and we see what he decides to eat.  Needless to say, because I wouldn't have posted this recipe if the results didn't come out in its favor, the ChicksPlease won out! Picky hubs even asked for more. 

Bottom line here is even though we should never deprive ourselves, if you can satisfy your craving with a healthier option, choose that option 100%. The recipe happens to be ridiculously easy.  We are adding it our household rotation and think you should too. 

*Please note: if you think this is going to taste exactly like a tuna sandwich, you got the wrong recipe. This is simply a replacement, but some believe it to be far tastier ....:)

The Low Down

We all know chickpeas to be an excellent source of protein and fiber.  

But did you know that a 1-cup serving of chickpeas provides you with 94% of your daily recommended amount of manganese and 71% of your daily recommended amount of folate?

Manganese is so important for bone development and wound healing.  It also supports your metabolism.  I'm all in favor of anything that boosts metabolism.  That's definitely a winner in my book.  

Folate is like the queen bee of minerals. Folate is responsible for new cell growth and brain cell development.  It protects against genetic mutations, aka it prevents cancer.

Since most woman are lacking in this essential mineral, manufacturers created folic acid which you may see listed on your vitamins.  Folate is the real deal and naturally occurring in chickpeas.  With 71% of what you need in a cup of chickpeas, warding away cancer seems easy peasy. 




  • 1/2 can organic, bpa-free chickpeas
  • 2 slices bread of choice (I always prefer Food For Life Baking brand's Ezekial sliced bread)
  • 1 tsp liquid smoke (you can omit this if you don't have it)
  • 2 tsp bbq sauce 
  • 1/4 tsp apple cider vinegar
  • 1 tsp flax seed oil (optional)
  • Himalayan salt or sea salt to taste
  • a couple shakes of garlic powder or to taste
  • Handful of organic tomatoes (I used organic grape tomatoes).



  1. Drain the chickpeas and place them in a bowl.  Using the back of a fork mash them.  (You can also use a food processor for this, but I find that a fork is easy enough and involves less clean up after!)
  2. Add the liquid smoke, bbq sauce, salt, apple cider vinegar, garlic powder, and flax seed oil (if you're using it)  to the bowl. 
  3. Chop the tomatoes & toast the bread.
  4. Assemble your sandwich with a layer of the chickpea mixture and a layer of tomatoes.  You can add any other garnish you prefer. 
  5. Eat!

Thanks for making this! I would love it see how it turns out. Snap a pic and tag me on Instagram so I can see! Any questions on it? Message me on Snapchat.  

Xx, SS


3 Min Clean Green Salad

This is how all fast food should be: Fast, easy, healthy, cleansing, energy providing & nourishing. You can literally make this in 3 minutes.  Its incredibly satisfying and rich in nutrients.

I love when I bite into a salad and every bite is uniform in taste, texture and nutrition. This salad does just that.  

By using beans and hummus with no added oil or fat, I can then use my favorite oil, flax-seed.  Flax seed oil is one of the best sources of clean Omega 3 fatty acid.  Plus this is a very hearty combination.  So your tastebuds and waistline will agree. 

This is a fast recipe.  That means, the individual amount of each ingredient is not important.  You don't need exact measurements.  You can eye everything.  More or less of any ingredients makes no difference.



  • 2 cups Kale, washed and cut up
  • 1/3 cup Fat-free, low soduium, organic refried (black or pinto) beans in a bpa-free can.
  • 1/3 cup Oil-free hummus (homemade or store bought)
  • 2 tablespoons Flax seed oil
  • Sprinkling of Hemp seeds
  • Spinkling of Himalayan Salt
  • (Optional: touch of hot sauce)


  1. Mix everything together in a bowl. 
  2. Plate it and eat it. 